Wednesday , March 12 2025

Expert called in to monitor safety risks of mango tree

Commissioner of Health Bruce Zagers, Director of Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF) Dr. Joka Blaauboer and Kai Wulf and James Johnson of Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) met Friday to discuss the planned cutting of a mango tree near A.M. Edwards Medical Centre. During the meeting, Blaauboer explained her reasoning about the decision to cut down the tree. The plans to cut down the tree caused some controversy in the community and online. The tree is deemed a threat for public health and safety in case it would fall and block the entrance to the ambulance bay. Over the past year, it was noticed that the tree may be tilting more towards the direction of the Medical Centre and the ambulance bay entrance.

In the meeting several scenarios were discussed and ultimately a collective agreement was made to call in an expert from St. Maarten to make a general analysis of the current situation today, Saturday. After this, the tree branches which hang over the entrance of the ambulance bay will be pruned. Once this has taken place, expert  advice would be sought and the tree would be professionally monitored until the end of May 2015, Saba Government Information Service, SHC and SCF said in a joint press release.


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One comment

  1. This is a good decision to monitor the tree. Pruning is a good idea. Unless there is a hurricane I don’t thing there is any danger for the tree to fall.