Saturday , March 15 2025

On Statia 5 parties will run in the elections of March

Caribisch Netwerk reports that, on Statia, five parties have registered for the elections for the new island council to be held on Wednesday, March 18th.

These parties include the United People’s Coalition (UPC) of current commissioner Reginald Zaandam and St. Eustatius Empowerment Party (STEP), led by Councilman Franklin Brown. Even the opposition Democratic Party (DP), which is headed by Adleka Spanner, will make a bid for a council seat.

The Progressive Labour Party (PLP) of former commissioner Clyde van Putten, which is currently not represented on the Island Council, will also participate in the elections. Statia’s Liberal Action Movement (SLAM) participates for the first time in the elections. Current independent island Council Member  Millicent Lijfrock-Marsdin will head this party.

Island Council Member Reuben Merkman who, during the current term of the Island Council had left the DP, has not started a new party. However, he is expected to be a candidate again, but it is not yet published what party he intends to join.

Nominations for the Island Council elections closes on 2 February.


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