Saturday , March 15 2025

Commissioner Zagers: “Landfill fire not intentional”

Commissioner Bruce Zagers said the recent fire at the Saba landfill was not lit by a government department or by the landfill contractor. This writes The Daily Herald.

The fire ignited because there are still areas around the landfill that retain heat from the previous fires some weeks ago. Measures are being taken to remedy the situation, a statement issued by Saba Government Information Service SGIS read. “There were no complaints directly to government, but there were posts and comments on social media. The complaints came mainly from people in The Bottom. The direction of the wind (south) was also a factor in where the smoke went,” SGIS spokesman Vito Charles explained.

Garbage was not collected on Thursday, in order for the contractor to be able to make preparations for the garbage to prevent a repeat of what happened. The air burner, which is normally used, has been out of operation and parts are scheduled to arrive shortly, it was stated. Issues such as these are to become a thing of the past when the recycling project, which is almost ready, comes online. The official opening of the recycling facility is scheduled for Friday, February 27. Next week, a large-scale information campaign is to begin and households will start receiving their garbage bins.


Saba & Statia at Vacation Fair without St Maarten
On Statia 5 parties will run in the elections of March