Friday , March 7 2025

Code of Ethics announced for DP officials on Statia

Statia News announced that, further to the elections of March 18, 2015 the Democratic Party of Statia has requested their elected and appointed officials to sign a “Code of Ethics”.

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This code will require politicians to campaign on policy issues only, not with attacks on their opponents unless related to their track record in the political arena, their political beliefs and opinions. In their relationship with citizens, politicians will have to be honest and forthright at all times, and respect Statians by making only promises they can keep, not exaggerating their abilities, and not trying to conceal on issues. Should an elected official run afoul of the law, or find himself in a conflict of interest and fail to end it, regardless of the personal consequences, the code will demand their immediate resignation from office.

Persons who intend to be a candidate on the list of the Democratic Party of St. Eustatius for elected office at all levels or who may be appointed in any political office on behalf of the Party are required to agree to this Code of Ethics.

Whereas all citizens are striving towards the best governance of Statia, those who seek elected office are asking eligible voters to trust them at the highest level. As a result, we are asking all those who are candidates for elected office to voluntarily adhere to the Code of Ethics:

Under this Code of Ethics an elected or appointed official is considered anyone elected or appointed to public office on behalf of the Democratic Party in the Island Council, Executive Council and any other representing body.
No elected or appointed official will intentionally violate any regulations, or any provisions of the Democratic Party of St. Eustatius, nor will they promote others to do so. All elected or appointed officials will adhere to party policies and procedures at all times.

Upon conviction of any offence, the elected official shall resign from office, even before pending appeals.

No elected or appointed official will intentionally do harm to, or breach the confidentiality and anonymity, of any Statian citizen or resident. Given the power of a politician to undermine reputations in parliament, legislature, or council, or interfere in an individual’s relationship with the government, elected officials must treat everyone with civility, honesty, equality, and respect at all times.

No elected or appointed official will intentionally delay or disrupt the proceedings in the Island or Executive Councils, or any other representing body outside the rules of order.

No elected or appointed official will intentionally mislead or offend any person. All statements made by an elected or appointed official must, at all times, be truthful. No elected or appointed official will falsely represent issues to any person.
No elected or appointed official will misrepresent their own abilities, education, training, standards of performance, certifications, or experiences to others. No elected official will claim to have political beliefs or affiliations they do not have, nor will they disavow political beliefs or affiliations they hold.

No elected or appointed official will participate when in a conflict of interest. If an official is found to be in an unintentional conflict, he or she must immediately act to end it or be considered to be knowingly in a conflict. A conflict must be ended immediately, even if it threatens the position or reputation of the elected or appointed official.

No elected or appointed official will, at any time, give anything less than their best effort to St. Eustatius and commit to see that government is run in the most efficient and effective way.

Candidates taking part in elections on the slate of the Democratic Party at no time will make promises one knows he/she cannot keep, nor will offer personal favors in exchange for votes.

Candidates taking part in elections on the slate of the Democratic Party of St. Eustatius and elected or appointed officials will at all time adhere to, support and carry out the party- or election program as has been adopted by the party.

Elected officials will commit to legally protect any person who publicly reports illegal and/or unethical actions by other officials, regardless of any ‘whistleblower’ legislation that may, or may not, be in effect.


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