Monday , March 10 2025

Merger Saba Health Care Foudation & Benevolent Foudation Saba

In November 2014 Benevolent Foundation Saba (BFS) and Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF) signed an intention to merge.

To work towards the merger a plan of action was made as a guideline. It was decided in the process to form two committees; the Supervisory Committee and the Working Committee.

The Supervisory Committee consists of three persons;

  • Chairman Supervisory Board SHCF – Mr. S. Sorton
  • President BFS – Mr. H. Smith
  • Commissioner of Health Saba- Mr. B. Zagers
Merger committee
Photo GIS Saba


The Working Committee consists of two persons:

  • Board of Directors SHCF- Mrs. J. Blaauboer
  • Project Manager on behalf of the BFS- Mr. H. Bogers

Today, February 13th 2015, the first meeting of the Supervisory Committee Merger took place in which all parties signed the Plan of Action Merger BFS & SHCF.  From this day on, the merger process can formally start and the two committees are in function. The organisations are expected to merge by January 1st 2016.

In this first meeting supporting parties such as; accountants, lawyers and a notary have been decided on. A formal agreement was made about the topics and actions.

All personnel from the BFS will be transferred into the expanded organization of the SHCF; no employees with permanent contracts will be laid off.

All parties are pleased about the positive steps taken today with formalizing the action plan and look forward to continue with a successful merger process.  During this process we will keep you informed.

GIS Saba

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