Households on Saba today began receiving their new bins as part of the Recycle for Saba campaign which is introducing recycling to the island. Homeowners will be receiving an orange and gray bin, which are being distributed by The Department of Public Works and Sanitation. The orange bins are for the dry recyclables such as glass, paper, plastic, cans and small metal objects, batteries, small electrical appliances and cardboard. The grey bins are for all other non-recyclable waste.
For the past week and a half, teams have been going house to house on the island delivering information packages to residents along with the orange baskets that will be used to separate waste inside the household. Up until now residents of St. Johns and The Bottom have received their baskets and information packages, distribution will continue until all households around the island have received their packages.

(Photo GIS Saba)
The green bins which have been used for garbage collection cannot be used for garbage collection after a household has received the gray and orange bins. If a homeowner would like to use the green bin for a purpose other than garbage collection, they should place it in their yard and away from the garbage collection area. Green bins that are still in the garbage collection areas after distribution has finished, will be taken away.
Press release GIS Saba