Friday , March 14 2025

Carnival Organizing Committee prepares for 40 Years of Saba Carnival

The organizing committee, for Saba Carnival 2015, officially met on Wednesday, April 8, to discuss the plans for Saba’s 40th Carnival Anniversary Celebration. The official opening of Carnival is scheduled for July 27th and will end on August 2nd.

The organizing committee, who is in the process of setting up a new foundation, will consist of Stanford Johnson as president, Lisa Hassell as Treasurer and Vito Charles as secretary. The other members are Kebba Woods, Omar Johnson, Julio Levenstone and Kevin Hassell. Commissioner of Culture Bruce Zagers will serve as an active advisor throughout the planning and the actual Carnival Celebration.

In the coming week a Facebook page will be launched so that all carnival lovers can be updated on a regular basis about the ongoing activities. Already several promoters have sent in requests and the selection process will soon begin. The emphasis will be placed on shows that will bring added value and will make the 40 year celebration spectacular. The committee would also like to encourage those who are interested in having children and adult troupes to please contact any of the members for further information.

The president of the committee, Stanford Johnson, said that, “As a community all efforts should be made to make this fortieth anniversary of Carnival a success, I would also like to call on the support of local businesses and those abroad that have interests on Saba to also support Carnival as this should be looked at as an opportunity to give back to the people of Saba”.

Press release Saba Carnival Committee

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  1. Really that’s it for 40yrs 27-2 come on now it’s our 40yrs of mass give us more man

  2. Three months “Preparation” for a “forty years celebration”. I take off my hat to you folks……your the Best……Success Saba Massive & Crew….