Friday , March 14 2025

Antillean assets division delayed

For unknown reasons, there is still a delay in the execution of the report on the division of the properties and debts of the former Netherlands Antilles, which was pre-sented by the committee headed by Faroe Metry at the end of last year.It is even said in Willemstad that St. Maarten and the Netherlands – on behalf of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba – are accusing Curaçao of delaying the pro-cess. This means that there is more pressure from cer-tain funds to receive their share of the money. This reports The Daily Herald.

There is concern because there were practically no points of dispute in the report presented by the committee. In the beginning there had been some issues, but these were supposedly taken care of.

On the balance are some creditors like the Social Insurance Bank SVB and various others that are waiting to receive millions from the dismantled country Netherlands Antilles. Minister of Finance José Jardim recently stated that they are working on the execution of the report. The minister even indicated that this division would be very beneficial for Curaçao which is to receive about 79 per cent of the net assets, but for unknown reasons the Government of Curaçao has apparently failed to accelerate the process.


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