Friday , March 14 2025

Members of Civil Service Union not interested to vote for their Executive Board

The Daily herald reports that the election for the executive board of the Windward Islands Civil Servants Union/Private Sector Union (WICSU/PSU) could not take place on Wednesday as sufficient members did not show up to vote.

WICSU/PSU is one of the larger unions in St. Maarten with 661 members in St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius. Of the 661 members, 365 are civil servants from St. Maarten alone; 65 are civil servants from Saba and Statia and 244 are workers from the private sector. All WICSU/PSU members are eligible to vote.

At least 25 members are needed for the election to have gone ahead. Less than 25 persons showed up to yesterday’s meeting. Since this was the third time a meeting had been convened for election, the board will meet to form an elections committee which will oversee the election.

The committee will call a meeting and irrespective of how many members show up election will be held. The election is for a new President, Treasurer and General Secretary for WICSU/PSU. Incumbent President Derie Leonard will not contest the elections.

The WICSU/PSU sitting Treasurer is Sharon Richinsin and General Secretary is William Reed. Leonard made clear that she has not resigned from the WICSU/PSU as is being speculated in the community. She has only resigned from the Windward Islands Chamber of Labour Unions (WICLU).

So far civil servant Denicio Connor is the only person who has officially been nominated to contest the elections. Leonard said several other persons have indicated to her that they are seriously considering contesting the election, but are waiting for the elections to be held to declare their candidacy.

Leonard encouraged the union’s members to go out and vote when the next meeting is called since the election is about them voting for proper representation. She said persons who do not go out to vote will not have a say regarding the persons who are elected. She said it is important for members to vote for the persons who they want to represent them.

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