Clients of Honourable Henry Every Old Age Home in The Bottom were the centre of attention when two youths visited on Tuesday, for a colouring and reading event organised by Sounding Board Committee (SBC), writes The Daily Herald.
The event marked the official start of a project to organise more activities and involve Saba youths in the lives of the Home’s clients.
Edward and Veronica Zagers visited their family members Pansy Johnson and Cynthia Collins. They helped with the colouring of drawings; Veronica also read a story to the clients called “The town mouse and the country mouse.”
“Colouring is a great way to keep the motor skills of clients intact,” SBC member Franklin Wilson said. Clients were treated to brownies, donated by Saba Snack in Windwardside. The colouring material was donated by SES NV Office Supply Store in Windwardside. Manager Roseta Riley was said to be very happy that youths are now coming to the Home more often. Sacred Heart School in St. Johns is participating as well, by periodically sending pupils to the Home. So far, they have visited only once a month, but organisers hope to increase the frequency of these visits.
The next project to entertain the Home’s clients is to present a photo gallery with pictures of the past in the new activity room. Also, two donated, refurbished computes will be placed in the activity room. Clients can use these computers to Skype with their loved ones overseas and browse the Internet.
Zagers said she had a lot of fun visiting the Home. She promised to talk to her principal of the Saba Comprehensive School and persuade him to organise a special event for the Home together with her peers.