Saba Government officially released its new website on Tuesday.
The initiative to develop a new user-friendly government website for Saba was initiated about a year ago. First, the Saba government logo had been modified by local artist Malachy Magee, who presented different concepts after which the Executive Council decided on a subtle change in style to keep in tradition with the previous design. The new logo then formed the basis for the new website which Magee also designed and constructed. The new logo will be used on all official government material, such as stationary, business cards and government vehicles.
According to government, the website is now 99 per cent finished. There are still some minor changes to be made. The goal of the new web design is to provide as much government information as possible to the public. The new site is more user friendly and gives greater transparency into the local government’s services, it was said.
Where the previous government website was not as extensive, now all island departments are listed and contact information is provided. A new feature is that the government Facebook page is also included in the website. Plans are in development for a Podcast functionality to stream Island Council meetings live on the website. Another plan for the near future is the possibility for website visitors to download service forms. Instead of having to visit the Civil Registry (Census Office) in The Bottom people can download forms to request, for instance driver’s licences and import-export forms directly from the sabagov website. Plans are also underway to integrate Twitter as a means of communicating to the public, writes The Daily Herald.

At last after 5 years of promises to improve the website substatial improvement have been made. Still missing however are the portfolios of each member of the Executive Council.
(Something else the name “Executive Council” for that institution is not a council but a committee.)