Saturday , March 15 2025

Saba nurses celebrate their accomplishments

Several days of activities were held leading up to and on Nurses Day on Saba, writes The Daily Herald.

At the centre of the celebrations were nurses of Henry C. Every Home for the Aged and A.M. Edwards Medical Center. The kick-off was on Friday, May 8, with a pre- Nurses Day walkathon starting in the village of St. John’s and ending at The Ambulance Bay in The Bottom.

Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF) Director Dr. Joka Blaauboer delivered the welcome speech for the event. Nurses hosted Sacred Heart School’s (SHS) weekly assembly on Monday. Several nurses performed a skit for the children about the daily life of a nurse and the passion nursing requires. Each child was given a hand sanitizer as a token from the nurses.

Nurses attended a lecture in the Anglican Church Rectory by Antonio Pantophlet of St. Maarten Medical Center on Monday evening. Pantophlet spoke about nursing challenges and about maintaining a positive attitude. Nurses decked out in their uniforms attended a thanksgiving service in Roman Catholic Church in The Bottom on Nurses Day, Tuesday. The service was hosted by Living Water Community. Health Commissioner Bruce Zagers, Dr. Blaauboer, Benevolent Foundation Saba (BFS) Director Nurse Rosetta Riley, BFS President Hubert Smith and Board member Patricia Linzey were present for the service. Zagers and Dr. Blaauboer received tokens of appreciation from the nurses.

A Nurses Day banquet was held at Scout’s Place in Windwardside after Tuesday. This social event was organised for all nurses to enjoy a meal together and for socializing. Rosa Johnson coordinated the Nurses Day programme together with a team of four nurses – two each from SHCF and BFS. Those nurses were Felicia Dookhan, Mona Hassell, Aileen Tindoc and Kim Whitfield.

Nurses at the Roman Catholic Church in The Bottom with Dr. Joka Blaauboer (left), Rosetta Riley (middle) and Bruce Zagers (right)
Nurses at the Roman Catholic Church in The Bottom with Dr. Joka Blaauboer (left),
Rosetta Riley (middle) and Bruce Zagers (right)

Previous post: Nurses day May 12th, 2015.

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One comment

  1. William t Davis RN PhD

    A great job done by you nurses

    I will be in Saba from June 15–22 and would love to come do a inservice with you if interested would need a dvd and about 3 hours and cup of tea

    check me at William davis From LPN to PHD

    i know many of you all ready

