Thursday , February 6 2025

Medical School undefeated win Volleyball Championship

Medical School won their final two matches of the season to go undefeated, 6-0, in the Saba Volleyball Association competition held in the St John’s Gym Saturday, reports The Daily Herald.

Medical School beat Untouchables 3-0 and finished off Rusties 3-0 top claim the Island Championship. Koen van Laar was named most dedicated player. Felicia Dookhan was the Most Improved Player and Amaru Hassell the Most Evolved Player. There also was a special medal for Josephine Spence, who took care of the catering each game day.

Seven teams, more than 60 athletes competed in the two month long competition. After the award ceremony volleyballs for the youth were handed to the Daycare, the Girls & Boys Scouts and Child Focus. Free volleyballs were also presented to all the children who attended the season final.
Next on the agenda is the third RCN-Public Entity tournament scheduled for August .

Saba’s children are getting their gift volleyballs pumped up by ‘coach’ Derek Spence, at St John’s Gym Saturday. The balls were donated by North, Central America and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation.
Saba’s children are getting their gift volleyballs pumped up by ‘coach’ Derek Spence, at St
John’s Gym Saturday. The balls were donated by North, Central America and Caribbean Volleyball
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