Thursday , February 6 2025

Kick-off Caribbean Netherlands week

This year the Caribbean Netherlands week, CN-week, takes place from June 8th until June 12th in The Hague.

Members of the Executive Councils and official representatives from Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba visit The Hague every year in June, to discuss an extensive agenda with relevant ministries in The Hague. The Minister of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations will kick off the CN-week on Monday. Consultations are planned on governmental and official level.

During the CN-week the focus in on: fight against poverty, children’s rights and economic development brought together in the MeerJarenProgramma (MJP). (Multi annual Programme).
Additionally, there are working visits planned, there is attention for the fight against disasters, and there is a joint consultation scheduled with the members of the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Dutch Parliament and Senate.

In addition to the joint agenda, delegations also have individual meetings with various ministries and organizations about issues that are specific to their island. In the past few months before the CN-week Kingdom Representative Gilbert Isabella had consultations with various ministers and officials in The Hague, to bring his own experiences and findings of these topics to the attention.

The CN-week will be concluded with an administrative meeting with the coordinating Minister of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations on Thursday, June 11th.

Press release RCN.

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