Friday , March 7 2025

Youngest Lions president ever appointed on Saba

The Daily Herald writes that the Saba Lions Club installed its new president and board of directors Friday evening, at Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside.

The new Saba Lions Board of Directors with from left, seated: outgoing president Paula Mayers-Childs and incoming president Jessica Gumbs seated next to her.
The new Saba Lions Board of Directors with from left, seated: outgoing president Paula Mayers-Childs and incoming president Jessica Gumbs seated next to her.

Jessica Gumbs is the newly appointed president and at 29 years of age also the youngest Lions president ever on Saba. Gumbs replaces Paula Mayers-Childs.

The newly appointed secretary is Camille Fahey- Blackman. The new board of directors consists of: Bastiaan Janssens, Judith Bobel, Harold Levenston and James F. Wilson. James Ray Hassell is installed as first vice-president; Aaron Soares is second vice-president and Rolando Wilson, who was unable to attend, as third vice-president. George Wilson is the new Lion Tamer.

Carl Buncamper has a new position as membership director and Vincent Stroom is the new treasurer for the Saba Lions.

The evening started with a short welcoming speech by Hassell, followed by Mayers-Childs, who called the meeting to order. After a salute to the flag and the singing of the Saba Song there was a minute of silence for peace in the world. Pastor Leroy Barry led the invocation prayer, where after the song “Let there be peace” was sung by everyone.

After the introduction of the head table and the phrasing of the international purpose of the Lions Club by Melisa Juana, Mayers-Childs gave her outgoing address as Lions president. In her speech she shared her gratitude to the Lions members for their support, commitment and dedication. “I took pride and joy in accepting the task of presidency. Although it was a challenge, it is one I would not regret,” Mayers-Childs said during her speech.

After this, the new board of directors was installed by Roy Smith; then Glenn Pileo read the Lions’ Code of Ethics and newly-elected president Gumbs made her incoming speech. Gumbs promised to put additional efforts in the fields of membership expansion, community service and fundraising activities, apart from her regular duties as president.

She also mentioned former Lion Rose Zagers, who was present during the evening accompanied by her husband Chester, who was one of the founders of the Saba Lions Club in 1977. “Rose was the one that brought me into the Saba Lions Club and the Leos Club. From the very beginning she stood by my side and I would like to thank her for that,” Gumbs said.

Franklin Wilson then took to the stage to bring some light-hearted comments and jokes, after which Mayers- Childs gave a vote of thanks. Pastor Barry took a moment to bless the food and drinks that were about to be served shortly after.

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  1. Just wanted to updated that Michael T. Tripp has been elected the president of the Lions Club in Belleview Florida on 5.23.17 at the age of 19. I think this makes him the youngest elected president within the Lions Club.

  2. Curious George

    Is it a contest? Because I do believe they were talking about Saba and it was two years ago. But I guess no one is trying to steal anyone’s thunder.

  3. Congratulations to the Lion President, since I believe it is a historic achievement for his club and district, since Lions club celebrates its 100 year as an international humanitarian organisation,this year in Chicago,USA.
    Best wishes from the members of Lions Club District 60 A , Zone Chair 4B. Trinidad.