Friday , January 10 2025

Commissioner of Education wishes students a productive school year.

Commissioner of Education, Chris Johnson, wished students of the Saba Comprehensive School, the island’s sole secondary institution, a productive school year and much success in achieving their goals.

The commissioner attended the first assembly of institution for the school year. In his address, Commissioner Johnson mentioned that the students would do well to emulate the success of the previous form 5 class which recently received the news that they had achieved a 100 percent pass rate in their CXC examinations.

Commissioner Chris Johnson (l), speaking to students of the Saba Comprehensive School, while the Director, Anton Hermans, looks on.  (Photo GIS Saba)
Commissioner Chris Johnson (l), speaking to students of the Saba Comprehensive School, while the Director, Anton Hermans, looks on.
(Photo GIS Saba)

Also during the assembly the students were addressed by the Director of the SCS, Anton Hermans who welcomed the students back to school and introduced to the staff and teachers.

Mr. Franklin Wilson, the new president of the Saba Educational Foundation was introduced to students. Mr. Wilson is a lifelong educator who recently took up the vacant post on the school board.

Press release GIS Saba

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All SCS students succeeded their exams this year

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  1. Dear readers,
    We have removed earlier comments for this article.
    In our house rules we have stated that comments must relate to the content of the article posted.
    Of course, there are gray areas which may complicate the decision to post or not to post comments. So we posted the first comments, even if they did not directly relate to the subject of the article. However, when the discussion continued, the focus was moving away completely from “Welcoming students in the new school year”.
    So the final decision was to remove all comments that were not directly related to the subject of the post.
    Editor Saba News