Thursday , February 6 2025

RCN launches corporate citizenship programme

Caribbean Netherlands Office RCN has launched a corporate citizenship programme to encourage social involvement via community support, writes The Daily Herald.

The programme is funded through the Office of the Kingdom Representative to the tune of US $100,000 for 2015-2016, said RCN Communication Adviser Alida Francis.

Non-governmental organizations that want to get financial support must be a part of their island’s NGO platform, and must be able to demonstrate successful previous projects in a transparent manner. Only projects in interest of the entire community, or a specific sub-group will be supported. Projects must ensure a connection/link between government and the community.

A maximum of US $5,000 can be awarded per project. Application forms are available at the RCN offices.

The theme for 2015-2016 is “Youth and Young People” and is linked to the Rights of the Child multi-annual plan for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The theme seeks to ensure there is a link with already existing programmes, such as after-school programmes.

Internship projects are also possible, such as internship exchange with European Netherlands at various ministries, traineeship at RCN, stimulating Internship guidance and placements within RCN on all three islands.

Previous RCN Corporate citizenship initiatives included Health Fair, CN Photo competition in 2014, a promotional film about the most beautiful spot in the kingdom, Papiamento Spell Check, trainee ICT Students in the Netherlands and Saba traineeship students.

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