Thursday , February 6 2025

Two persons missing on Sandy Cruz trail have been found

On September 9th , 2015 in the evening, a hotel owner came to the police with the announcement that two hotel guests had not returned from the Sandy Cruz Trail.
The hotel owner was worried about the man and the woman who were regular guests and who also had a reservation booked for dinner for that evening.
Shortly afterwards the Police, in collaboration with the Fire Brigade, the ranger and the Island Governor launched a search operation and the victim support services searched the entire Sandy Cruz Trail, from 10.30 PM. Around 1:45 AM, the search was halted.

The following morning the emergency services, in collaboration with the Saba Conservation Foundation, again searched on different trails.
This time with result because around 11:00 AM the two persons were found  by the search team.
This made further up scaling and use of a helicopter unnecessary.
The two persons  were taken  to the A.M. Edwards Medical Center and questioning by the police will continue during the day in order to get to the exact circumstances surrounding the disappearance.

The Police Department, the Fire Department and the Island Governor would like to acknowledge the outstanding cooperation of all parties involved.

Press release RCN

Lost & Found on Sandy Cruz trail - the story
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