Thursday , February 6 2025

Complaints procedure for schools Caribbean Netherlands

On August 1 of this year the complaints procedure for schools in the Caribbean Netherlands (CN) came into effect. This means that each school funded by the Kingdom Government now adheres to a standard procedure for handling complaints by parents, pupils and personnel and that a central Complaints Committee(Complaints CommitteeCaribbean Netherlands) has been appointed.

As laid down in the complaints procedure, the first step is always to discuss the complaint with the person or persons directly involved within the school. If the matter cannot be solved between those parties, the complaint can be escalated to school management and, if necessary, to the school bard. If this does not offer a  satisfactory solution then as of  August 1, 2015 an official complaint can be submitted to the Complaints Committee CN after having filled out a standard form. It is mandatory for schools to provide information about the complaints procedure, for instance via their school guide or website.

The committee handles complaints confidentially and will respond within four weeks. Based on the advice of the Complaints Committee the school board can take  action. The advice of the Complaints Committee is not binding but may result in new views on the matter. The Complaints Committee consists of 1 representative for each of the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.

For general questions about the complaints procedures or the Complaints Committee, you can contact RCN/OCW via e-mail:

Press release RCN

King Willem-Alexander opens new parliamentary year
Kingdom Representative Gilbert Isabella welcomed students of Saba and Statia