Thursday , February 6 2025

Invitation to recommend candidates for a Royal Decoration

The Lieutenant-Governor of Statia has issued the following press release to the citizens of his Island.  Probably, citizens of Saba could address our local government with suggestions as well.

Press Release September 23, 2015

Royal decorations are issues annually as a result of recommendation made from within the community. These awards are usually presented to persons whom, in some significant way, have contributed to their community’s social, economic or cultural development. The awards are usually issued surrounding the celebration of Kings Day each year when we pause as a Kingdom in recognition of our unity.

order of Orange Nassau
The general public is hereby informed that persons who would like to submit nominees for royal decoration should submit the relevant document to the office of the Island Governor By October 7th 2015. Further information regarding the process can be obtained at the office of the Island Governor. Let us take this opportunity and recognize the persons within our community that has played a significant role through their legacy of service to our community.

The Island Governor of Statia.

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