Thursday , February 6 2025

Preventive controls at the airport last Thursday

On Thursday, September 24th , 2015 the The Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland (KPCN) and the Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar) conducted a preventive control at the airport on Saba. The audit focused on illegal weapon possession and was implemented under the authority of the Arms Act BES.

All persons, including their items of luggage, who were at the airport in a space provided for arrivals and departures, could be investigated. The control was randomly conducted on both arriving and departing guests.
Because of the preventive effect,  the  two services indicated to continue this kind of control.

KPCN and KMar were satisfied with the control and the cooperation.

Press release KPCN



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State Secretary Martin van Rijn to visit Saba and  Bonaire