On 10-10-2015 the Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland, KPCN, celebrates its fifth anniversary. After five years of existence this is both a moment to reflect and also a moment to gaze upon the future. This past year there have been a number of evaluations, aimed both at the police organization specifically as the Caribbean Netherlands in general. The results of these evaluations should be addressed, to further give form to the police force. Meanwhile, a number of developments have been put in motion; the police force has a new future vision ‘the base on order’ offered to the police force administrator ‘korpsbeheerder’, which will be developed into a police force development process.
The central theme of these plans is to work on the three islands, Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius, as one police force with a common vision and identity to enhance the safety and quality of life. The existing cooperation with other countries within the Caribbean territory and the Dutch National Police force will be strengthened in this context. The kickoff of the police force development process was given on 10-10-2015. This process, which will last four years, and focuses first on the further organizational development and growth of all executives and personnel, both professionally and personally.
The elaboration of the new vision and policies requires a lot of energy, attention and commitment of the leadership and staff of the police force. Continuity in the management is of great importance. The current chief of police may, taking into consideration the limited extension possibilities and her personal situation, not be able to provide this continuity for the next four years.
Therefore, in consultation with the police force administrator, she has decided not to enter into a second term. This means, that as soon as possible, together with the island governors and the Chief Public Prosecutor of Caribbean Netherlands, a successor will be selected, to whom they will officially transfer the police force on March 1, 2016. The period preceding this, she will deal with current business and ensure the introduction of the new chief of police in the Caribbean region.

The police force administrator expresses his appreciation for the great efforts of Mrs. Buitink for the Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland.
Press release RCN