Wednesday , March 19 2025

Estimated 4500 tourists arrived on Saba by sea

An estimated 4,500 tourists arrived on Saba by sea during the first half of 2015. These figures were taken from the information provided to the harbor office when passenger vessels arrive on the Fort Bay. Last week, the Central Bureau of Statistics, CBS, released figures showing that 5,400 tourists had arrived on the island, however these numbers were only for passengers arriving by air. On Saba tourists also arrive by boat including passenger ferries, yachts and small cruise vessels. When taking the total number of tourists arriving by air and sea, it is estimated that a total of 9,900 persons arrived on Saba during the first half of this year. This is in line with figures of previous years.

Commissioner of Tourism Chris Johnson said, “The CBS only publishes tourist arrivals by air. The Executive Council has been asking the CBS to provide a more comprehensive figure for tourist arrivals that includes both arrivals by sea and air for some time now. This has been to no avail. We need more accurate figures so that government and other tourism stakeholders can determine how to best allocate the marketing budget for the island.We hope to receive these figures in the future.”

Check out the press release of RCN  based on CBS data

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