Monday , March 10 2025

More and more educational institutions on St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire are achieving basic quality

There are another five elementary schools, one school for secondary education, two expertise centres education care and one institution for social opportunity pathways for the young (SKJ) in the Caribbean Netherlands which achieved basic quality. This was established by the inspectors of the Education Inspectorate’s Caribbean Netherlands team following quality inspections which they performed on St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire during the past two weeks.

State Secretary Sander Dekker (Education) reacts with pleasure: “The teachers, school leaders and school boards  of these schools have produced a remarkable performance. The pupils at their schools now receive the good education to which they are entitled. The good education that is so important for the future of Caribbean Netherlands. This deserves a huge compliment! “

Basic quality was achieved by:

The Bethel Methodist School, the Lynch Plantation SDA School and the Expertise Centre Education Care (ECE) on St. Eustatius;
The Sacred Heart School, the secondary education programme of the Saba Comprehensive School, the Expertise Center Education Care EC2 and the Saba Reach Foundation on Saba;
Kolegio Rayo di Solo and Kolegio Kristu Bon Wardador on Bonaire.

Achieving basic quality concerns the educational learning process and the quality care. The learning achievements do not yet equal the level of the European Netherlands: this is a matter which requires commitment for the longer term.

More and more schools in the Caribbean Netherlands manage to raise their education to a sufficient level. Educational institutions which achieved basic quality at an earlier stage are Fundashon Forma (social opportunity pathways for the young) and elementary schools De Pelikaan, Kolegio San Bernardo and Kolegio San Luis Bertran on Bonaire and the Golden Rock School (primary education) on St. Eustatius.

This means that currently 9 of the 12 schools for primary education, 1 of the 3 schools for secondary education, 2 of the 3 Expertise Centres Education Care and 2 of the 3 institutions for social opportunity pathways for the young have achieved basic quality.

The criteria for basic quality have been laid down in policy documents on basic quality in education. Achieving basic quality is an important objective of the Education Agenda for the Dutch Caribbean, which has been adopted for the 2011-2016 period.


Press release RCN.

Electricity, potable water law for islands approved
Zamani, Oleana, Tellez finalists for Saba Idol


  1. Congratulations my fellow Sabans

  2. Congratulations to the Sacred Heart School and the CXC department of the SCS.
    You have been able, according to the article, to meet the 2016 standards set by inspection and OCW.
    Compliments to all these teachers who worked the extra mile to get this accomplished.

    Do we feel victorious now since a lot of other schools did not meet the criteria? No, absolutely not. At the SCS we have besides the CXC, a Vocational department and a Special ed. unit. Both are not mentioned in the criteria which makes you wonder if they meet the standards set by the Dutch.
    Having a Director, coming from VMBO with a background as VMBO group leader, you may well expect that the Vocational stream should be qualified for the set criteria. But the reality is different. It is because Miss Clement, her team and previous administrators who worked very hard to get the CXC with extra modules in place. For this management a simple follow up to get the credits. But what happened with MBO/TVET and Special Ed?
    Both did not meet the criteria, besides the availability of the EC2, which is a joke anyway.

    So to all SCS staff, good luck with your further development and with a possible recognition in the coming years.

    Saba Guru

  3. It is incredible that there are those who continue to darken any accomplishment at the Saba Comprehensive School with their constant negativity, disguising it as actual caring and concern. Please, do not be fooled by this trojan horse. Allow this school to carry on good or bad, because so is life. Even you, Sabguru, can certainly not promise perfection, even to the minions who see you as some cheap demigod whose powers lie in the clicking of a keyboard.

  4. Dear My Turn,

    You surely must dislike to hear the truth and continue hiding behind all facts to wash away the mistakes and failures of the past. I am convinced that you are one of the culprits who created this mess years ago. And now, with your advanced level of English, you are trying to justify the mistakes and put a blind fold to those who do not understand your language.
    The fact remains that:
    1. we have a non qualified director without any management skills and experience,
    2. Staff is turning against management on numerous occasions
    3. we have non qualified teachers
    4. MBO is not meeting the Dutch Standards
    5. PRO/care is not meeting the Dutch Standards,
    6. The professional working atmosphere in school is below zero
    7. We parents are not being informed accordingly, formal and informal
    8. Students do not sit test weeks any longer
    9. The Caribbean influence in school is taking over by a Dutch influence
    10. The financial situation of the school is alarming
    11. Last but not least, my child and his friends dislike school enormously.

    So you can call the Saban people minions (which stands for small, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time, evolving from single-celled organisms into beings who exist only to serve history’s most villainous masters (how low can you go to think about us Sabans in this manner; an insult first class) and me a villainous master, but the fact remains that the above is non-fiction and based on facts. Your statement is based on feelings and frustration.
    As a Trojan Horse, put your feelings and emotions aside and focus on the facts and you will find out that you eventually will be victorious.

    Saba Guru