Wednesday , February 5 2025

Caribbean Netherlands delegation at CANTA member meeting

Recently a delegation from the Caribbean Netherlands field of education participated in the 26th meeting of CANTA (Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies) in Trinidad & Tobago. CANTA is the coordinating institution that supervises the uniform implementation of competency-based training and its examination and certification within the CARICOM area. The Caribbean office of OCW (RCN / OCW) has been an associate member of CANTA since last May.

The regular members of the CANTA are members of CARICOM. Because the islands of the Caribbean Netherlands are not members of CARICOM, RCN/CW had to join CANTA as an associate member.
The membership of CANTA is part of the transition to English as the language of instruction on St. Eustatius as of the school year 2015-2016. Thanks to this membership, RCN / OCW remains well informed of developments within regional vocational education, for the benefit of the high schools on St. Eustatius and Saba . In addition, this membership is good for knowledge exchange with CARICOM members and the purchase of teaching materials. Saba has been using Caribbean programs successfully for several years.

Participation in the CANTA meeting was combined with a visit to the MIC Institute of Technology in Port-of-Spain. This institute offers technical (vocational) education for businesses in Trinidad & Tobago, in addition to the commercial production of engineering materials.

Press release RCN.

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One comment

  1. The participation of the Caribbean Netherlands in the education system of Caricom, is a major step towards a fully integrated Caribbean people. We cannot term ourselves as separatist Caribbean people,simply because of language, location or economies, We are all products of the savage slave traders,whether Dutch, English, French or Spanish, stretched along the islands of the Caribbean Sea. We are one people, and should see our strength in unity.

    Long live the Unification of Caribbean people.

    Adopted Son.