Friday , March 14 2025

Wednesday, January 6: Sabans encouraged to take part in Constitutional Townhall Meeting

Residents of Saba are invited to attend a Townhall meeting hosted by the Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs, Chris Johnson on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016. The purpose of the Townhall is to present to the public, the Public Entity’s Standpoint on the Constitutional evaluation, which is the government’s response to the Evaluation Report of the Evaluation Committee led by Liesbeth Spies.

At the meeting Commissioner Johnson will make a presentation and there will be an opportunity for the members of the audience to ask questions as well as give input.

Links to both the report of the Evaluation Committee and the government’s Constitutional Standpoint are available below

The conclusions from the Evaluation Committee

The standpoint of the Public Entity Saba

and on the homepage of the Public Entity Saba’s Website:

The meeting will take place ahead of the visit of the members of the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the First and Second Chamber, who will be here for the Summit on the Constitutional Evaluation on January 8th and 9th. The aim of the summit is to jointly address the issues raised in the Evaluation Report by the Committee Spies.

The Townhall meeting will be held at the Eugenius Johnson Center and starts at 6.30 pm.

Press release GIS Saba

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