Tuesday , March 11 2025

State Secretary Klijnsma (SZW) visits Saba Tuesday, January 26.

State Secretary Jetta Klijnsma of Social Affairs and Labour (SZW) will be in the Caribbean Netherlands in the week of January 25th. On January 25th and 26th she will be on Saba, on the 26th and the 27th on St .Eustatius and from the 27th until the  29th, on Bonaire.

She is visiting these special municipalities of The Netherlands in the Caribbean to talk with residents, to visit (social) partners and catch up with political representatives.

State Secretary Jetta Klijnsma

The State Secretary is looking forward to the visit. She is pleased that she has been able to introduce child benefit  for all children in the Caribbean Netherlands in January of this year. “During my last visit, in 2013, I met many people and had interesting conversations. Since then we have been in good contact and made some improvements. I now hope to gain insight into what those improvements generate for the people in our special communities and also in what is happening right now. ”

Press release RCN

Cheque presented to Saba fire victim
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