Friday , March 14 2025

State Secretary Social Affairs visits afterschool programme

State Secretary for Social Affairs, Jetta Klijnsma, paid a visit to the Saba Boys & Girls Scout Afterschool Programme on Monday afternoon.

There she met with founder of the programme Mrs. Elka Charles, who gave an explanation about when the project was first started. She also explained about the challenges she faces due to lack of sustainable funding and staffing.

On the left State Secretary of Social and Labour Affairs, Mrs. Jetta Klijnsma and on the right Mrs. Elka Charles of the Saba Boys and Girls Scout Afterschool Programme
On the left State Secretary of Social and Labour Affairs, Mrs. Jetta Klijnsma and on the right Mrs. Elka Charles of the Saba Boys and Girls Scout Afterschool Programme

The afterschool programme situated in The Bottom provides afterschool care for almost 40 children aged 4 to 12 years old. The SG&B After School Care is a comfortable, safe and progressive after-school program for children from K1 to through 6th grade. SG&BSS offers a rich variety of activities under guidance of experienced and nurturing staff. The programme is open to all children from the local community.

Mrs. Charles continues to work to secure funding for the programme which is partly funded by a contribution from the local government and the contribution of parents.

Press release RCN.

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