Friday , March 14 2025

Captain's Quarters will be for touristic purposes only

On Friday, the Executive Council of Saba  confirmed that the property of the former Captain’s Quarters in Windwardside will be sold for tourism purposes only.

While an initial statement on the presentation of a memo to the Island Council by Island Governor Jonathan Johnson erroneously mentioned plans for a hotel and/or restaurant, a cultural or educational institution or dwelling on the location, this was later narrowed down to plans specifically for tourism development.

The Executive Council confirmed in a statement that the sale of the property of the former Captain’s Quarters will be for developments that have touristic purposes only. This direction also supports the initial decision of the Island Council in 2004, that the property could be sold under the condition that it be used for touristic purposes only, it was stated. Despite the intention to sell the property, it could not be sold until legal issues with the previous lessors were resolved.

In 2011, when the Public Entity Saba became the sole owner of the property, work began in earnest to complete a sale of the property in an effort to make it a viable part of the island’s economy once again. A two-phase bidding process started in January 2015. In November, the process was finalised, it was stated.

The bidding process for the property, which has been defunct since the passage of Hurricane Georges in 1998, has been completed and a sale agreement has to be negotiated with the perspective buyers, the Island Governor explained to the Island Council

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One comment

  1. Well it is a good thing they clarified the use for property.
    now they need to implement clauses that the developer sticks to approved touristic plans, not allowed to re-sell property and time frames are put in place for completion.

    otherwise we will end up with same crappy eyesore on our beautiful island.