Friday , March 14 2025

Opinion: Saba Guru updates his/her concerns on SCS progress

Dear editor,

It has been relatively quiet among schools in general and SCS especially. It is correct, we had a mid-term break in December/January and now again a term break for the February holiday break.

I remember that some years ago all the non-teaching staff had to be on duty according to working hours, especially during school breaks. A time clock was actually introduced to monitor their working hours. Nowadays we see them “thanks to God” moving around school without this ridiculous restrictments where they had to be in school just to sit out their hours.

Now all of this is nice to observe, but that does not bring me to the core of my story today. We all know that the school board is asking each individual teacher if they like to stay on for one more year. Well, here are the results if my information is correct:

  1. The Grade A science/mathematics/biology teacher is leaving
  2. A qualified physical educational teacher is needed
  3. The English teacher will be on maternity leave, seen her Dutch Doctors, she will get the maximum out of this which is at least 6 months.
  4. No sign of a new student care/guidance councilor
  5. What about the court case between the previous care coordinator and director?
  6. What about the cultural discrimination between the staff members at the SCS?
  7. No sign yet of a new student care coordinator
  8. No news yet on a new security guard who is planning to leave end of school year
  9. No news on the PRO developments, although mentioned in the inspection report
  10. No news on the missing hours students are facing because the Spanish teacher is just not absent or too late in school
  11. No news on the management team formation. The director seems to play Al Capone
  12. No news on the “Medenzeggenschapsraad”. Do they still exist?
  13. No news on the student Council? Are they still in place?
  14. Will the contract of the existing Dutch Teacher be renewed?
  15. Is the school board Gied Mommers, La-Toya Charles and Franklin Wilson aware of these developments, and if so what is their plan of action for this and upcoming school year? No written statements have been received as yet from this board. Does make me wonder if they are just a 2 dimensional board?
  16. What are the Major development plans for then SCS in 2016/2017? We all know that the basic requirements were achieved. But people please do not get fooled by this, because it are just the BASIC requirements, something that the SKJ in Bonaire got years ago. So don’t let us sell a monkey for a baboon. We still have a long way to go. And seen the above, we need all hands on deck to get there, realizing that just to get the basic requirements took 5 years, 7 consultants and an extremely amount of money. So SKJ (LaToya Charles), EC2(Henriette van Heynsbergen), SHS (Diane Wilson) and SCS (Anton Hermans) can you explain where we are going next? And please no BS story that no one understands or believe, but just a letter of facts so that we know what is coming.

Thank you,

Saba Guru

(Shortened by editor)

Cooperation continues between Fire Depts.
March 4-5: Women's Day Conference & Gala on Statia. 25% discounts on Winair flights

One comment

  1. Well now it been a few weeks since this posted and nobody from the school respond yet. I knows myself what is so from the school and many of the things sabaguru says is true. Many of us parents knows this yet nobody speaks up. Since this man come to the school all things has gone wrong but nobody tells him and he seem to be given the rights to do everything he wants. More Dutch seems to be coming over and being given jobs around the school. Eventually that is all that there will be. Enough is enough. I hope that previous board can see what they did and how they harmed our little school. Keep speaking the truth sabaguru cause we parents and islanders all know it so. We hears the stories all over the island and nobody is fooled. If any of this is not true then why does the school not say so. They quiet cause they know the truth always find a way out.