Child Focus Foundation (CFF) in collaboration with the Public Entity Saba organized workshops for youth workers and volunteers who are involved with leading after-school youth activities and programmes.
The workshops were given by Development without Limits, a professional development centre in New York, which works with community- based organizations, after- school and summer programmes, schools, and other educational institutions to develop curriculum and train staff.

The training, which took place February 15 to 20, was given by Hanaa Arafat, featuring four three-hour workshops for staff members of Laura Linzey day care (3 to 4-year-olds group), the After School Care Programme (ASCP) and CFF, among others.
The Child and Youth Development: Understanding the Ages and Stages workshop summarized key research into child and youth development with a focus on how to create programmes that are developmentally appropriate.
In the Positive Discipline workshop, participants learned how to solve problems constructively and collaboratively with youth, as well as how to identify why young people misbehave and how to develop alternative responses to misconducts.
Group Management looked into effectively utilizing progressive group management techniques to help young people work together cooperatively.
Participants were given the opportunity to reflect on their own group management techniques and incorporate a wider range of constructive responses.
Interactive Lesson Planning focused on incorporating experiential learning into daily lesson planning that is inclusive of peoples’ diverse talents, backgrounds and interests.
Individual coaching for the project leader and key staff was also provided. The project leader joined the trainer in observations of activities conducted at CFF and the ASCP.
Both organizations now have access to the feedback from these observations which they can share with instructors for further growth and development. The organizations involved now have access to a valid observation instrument specifically designed for after-school activities. This instrument may be used several times a year to conduct observations and guide informative discussions with youth leaders, volunteers and instructors.
During the next three months, Development without Limits is to provide follow up phone calls to check in on implementation of professional development strategies.
“The training is to build capacity and to empower participants to create their own solutions by mirroring and modelling effective, research-based practice, so adults can provide engaging experiences for young people,” it was stated.
The Daily Herald.