Friday , March 14 2025

Information session for construction companies on Saba

On Friday February 5th, 2016, the Labour Inspectorate organized an information meeting for the construction companies on Saba. Approximately 20 companies were personally invited by the local SZW worker, Martijn Schuuring.

The attendance was not great, but still allowed the Labour Inspectorate to welcome about 10 interested parties. Through two presentations by the two labour inspectors attendees were briefed. First of all, they were updated on the content of the points on which the labour inspectorate is going to pay attention in the coming period. This include issues related to working safe on heights and the wearing of personal protective equipment. The second part was about the way how working safe can be organized. It was explained what the employer is responsible for, but also what responsibilities the employee has when it comes to working safely.

Both presentations were concluded with some provoking positions with which the attendees could agree or disagree. Discussions were based on the objectives, views and opinions that were exchanged back and forth. All in all it was a fun and lively meeting. All construction companies on Saba will receive another email containing the presentations and information provided. It is the intention to organize a similar meeting also on St. Eustatius.

The Unit of Social Affairs & Labour of the RCN is also regularly asked whether a safety inspector is an obligation in the Caribbean Netherlands. This because businesses on Aruba are required to employ a safety inspector. Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius are exempted from this obligation.

Press release RCN.

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