Friday , March 14 2025

The Student Government Association of SUSoM donated to the Saba Conservation Foundation

On Wednesday, 24 February 2016, the Student Government Association (SGA) President Salome Wiredu and Saba University School Of Medicine (SUSOM) Faculty Dr. Laskowski presented a check for the amount of $677.50 to James “Crocodile” Johnson, the Saba Conservation Foundation’s (SCF) Terrestrial Ranger.

SabaPark donation

James regularly works with SUSOM student volunteers to help maintain the trails on Saba. Volunteers are essential to the SCF, the foundation logs over 5,000 volunteer hours every year.

“Saba University School of Medicine has an active Student Government Association that sponsors numerous student events, including a welcome party for new students and health-related projects for the island community. The specific goals of the SGA are to promote self-improvement, to mediate and resolve student problems and to organize recreational activities. The Student Government Association at Saba ratified its constitution in July 1995.” Quoted from the SUSOM website.

The SCF is very thankful to the SUSOM for their generous contribution.

Press release SCF.

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