Thursday , March 13 2025

Island Wide Cleanup for Earth Day – April 22

The Island Government of Saba will be hosting its annual Island Wide Clean Up on Friday, April 22nd. This year the cleanup is being held on Earth Day. This is to highlight the importance of the island’s natural surroundings and keeping it clean. Another intention of the cleanup is to make the public aware that they also play a role in the prevention of littering. Over the past few months, especially with the lack of rainfall, debris can be seen on the roadside and particularly over the walls outside of the villages.

island wide clean up

All civil servants have been given the option to participate and many of them have already signed up to do so. Also part of the clean- up campaign will be students of the Saba Comprehensive School and staff of the Saba Conservation Foundation.

Businesses and individuals who wish to participate can lend their assistance through volunteering or donating material assistance. Persons that wish to participate can register at the Saba Tourist Bureau or the Government Administration Building

On the day of the cleanup participants will gather at 7am at the Tourist Office where a small breakfast will be served. Thereafter they will disperse throughout the island’s villages, before coming together at the Princess Juliana Sports Field, where a lunch will be prepared for everyone that took part in the event.

Press release GIS Saba

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