Saba Reach Foundation (SRF) hosted a cultural and educational exchange between a group of twelve Saban participants and their three group leaders and a group of twelve Turkish participants and their group leaders.
The participants were a mix of students from SRF’s Youth Opportunity Path Programme, Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) and Mustafa Kadiköy Anatolia High School in Istanbul and several universities in Turkey. The age of the participants ranged from 16 to 29.

The exchange was funded by Erasmus Plus, a European Union programme which supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
SRF hosted the exchange to expose participants involved in the field of hospitality to an opportunity to practice the hospitality and social skills they learned with other Saban students and students from another culture in familiar and unfamiliar settings.
The exchange on Saba took place April 25-29 and consisted of a week of informal learning activities, including nature excursions with Saba Conservation Foundation; a presentation of the Recycle for Saba Campaign by the Island Government, followed by a clean-up of the Cove Bay area; volunteering with children at the Center for Youth and Family’s King’s Games and at Child Focus; a historical crash course of Saba by the Saba Archaeological Foundation, and participating in SCS’s Exhibition Day.
To increase the educational component of the exchange participants engaged in daily reflection sessions within their national groups to discuss the competences practiced throughout the day.
Saba’s participants and their group leaders will visit Turkey in May.
Jessie Voermans of EC2 wrote and submitted the application to garner the necessary funding and guided the group leaders throughout the implementation process. The Turkish group’s lodging, breakfasts, and dinners were arranged at and by Ecolodge. Lunches for all participants and group leaders were donated by Saba Lions Club through additional sponsorship from the business community. Transportation to and from all activities was provided by the Public Works’ school bus drivers.
SRF congratulates Saba’s students “for their active role in executing the activities, engaging the Turkish students and making the exchange a memorable experience for all involved,” it was stated.
The Daily Herald.