Thursday , March 13 2025

Agreement on labor conditions Civil servants Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland

The unions have reached an agreement with the Director of RCN, Jan Helmond, regarding the labour conditions 2016 -2017. This result follows intensive negotiations and its duration is from January 1st, 2016 until December 31st, 2017. The Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) is applicable to all workers employed by the RCN on the date of the signing of the agreement.
2016  labor conditions agreement

Income paragraph on main features
• One-time payment of US$ 500, – gross as redemption for 2015.
• 3% wage increase from January 1st, 2016.
• Increase of the vacation allowance to 8.33% from June 1st, 2016.
• Increase of the gross year-end bonus to US$ 1250 per December 2016.
• Harmonization jubilee bonus, whereby all official service, accumulated anywhere in the Kingdom, will be included in the foundation.
• Indexation consignment extra allowances and irregular working hours, IBT year bonus-hourly surcharge in accordance with the labour conditions wage development, now and in the future; for the terms and conditions of employment 2016-2017 this is 3% effective January 1st, 2016.
• The “vereveningsbijdrage” remains at the level set out in the terms of employment agreement 2013-2014.

Other agreements
The other agreements relate to official anniversary bonuses, VOG, (certificate of good conduct), KPCN transitional regime automatic promotion from police officer to police sergeant, a reservoir of untaken leave/holiday, clothing allowances, BHV (emergency response officer) and changes in the “travel regulation”. Together with the trade unions RCN will further request the A&O Fund Rijk to investigate the necessity, needs and opportunities for age-related personnel policy and flexibility.

The full text of the “labour conditions agreement 2016-2017” is published on The Dutch version will be published first. The Papiamentu and English version will follow as soon as possible.

Press release RCN

Central Committee Meeting May 19
Windwardside station officially inaugurated