Friday , March 14 2025

Having a State Representative for the BES Islands is a costly affair 

Besides having to pay a salary of more than ten thousand USD per month, it appears that maintaining a State Representative on the BES Islands is a costly affair. This became evident from declarations of the current State Representative for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, which the Dutch Newspaper Telegraaf received after a formal request for information based on the WoB Act.

Cleaning and gardener

For example, the cleanings costs of the official residence of the State Representative amount to  $ 12,100 euros per year. For the maintenance of the grounds of the State Representative, about 1000 square meters, a gardener is hired. Cost: $ 569 per month –” the same amount as the child benefit for fifteen children”, writes De Telegraaf.

According to the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the current State Representative, Gilbert Isabella (Labour Party), also works in his garden. “The State Representative himself also carried activities in his spare time in the garden to support the gardener.”


After Isabella’s installation in September 2014 more than $ 196,000 was spent, among other things, on the renovation of the official residence on the tropical island.

There are also costs for air travel between the Islands and Netherlands associated with the function. However, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations does wants to clarify the whereabouts of Isabella between 4 and 6 December 2014. For that period Isabella declared an amount of $ 1103, but in the report the details were hidden because of privacy reasons.

Since the arrival of the former commissioner of Utrecht, five products Apple have been declared, together for over $ 7400. However, according to a spokesman, this covers also materials for his staff.


On top of his salary of $ 10,800 per month, Isabella receives a representation fee of $ 600 per month.

The State Representative is the link between the Dutch Government in The Hague and the Islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba,. These are ‘ special municipalities ‘ of Netherlands.

De Telegraaf, July 22, 2016

CBS: In 2015, Saba’s population grew by nearly 140 to 1,947 residents
Willy Lucas, 20 years of service