Tuesday , October 22 2024

Saba's Dutch Museum organizes activities in October, "The Month of History"

October is the “Month of History”

2016-October Programme “THE MONTH OF HISTORY”
in the
Dutch Museum, Saba

The Dutch Museum organizes presentations as part of the annual National Dutch initiative “De Maand van de Geschiedenis”

“West India Company”

Presentation about the West India Company and other Dutch crossing the Atlantic Ocean incl. West-Africa, Brazil, Peru, The Caribbean Islands, Surinam etc. Period: 1600-1800. Incl. also slave-trade and piracy.
The WIC video of 50 minutes starts every Tuesday in October at 9:30 am.

“The Sugar Connection”

This is the first documentary to show how much Dutch world history has affected the development of “Nieuw Nederland”,Nieuw Amsterdam (N.Y.), Long Island – and Caribbean Islands such as Barbados most of which has been left out of history books – and how it played an important role in the development of globalization.

The film reveals the Dutch principles of toleration and freedom of conscience, the only country in the 17th century world to have it, and it illustrates the influence of the Quakers and Reformed Protestants,
showing how these philosophies have impacted American and world history.

The science of high-tech archaeology and interviews with dozens of Dutch, English, and American scholars. Dr. Steve Mrozowski, staff and students from the University of Massachusetts-Boston, conducted a large scale archaeological excavation.

The documentary follows this 8 year project and gives a view of what the 17th century world was like, regionally and internationally.

The film shows the international importance of Caribbean sugar production and the part played by the Spanish and Portuguese Jews expelled by the Inquisition. It also illustrates the role and practice of slavery in Africa, the Caribbean.

The video of – incl. a coffebreak –  minutes starts every Thursday in October at 9:30 am.

Presentation and guided tour and visits to traditional cottages on Saba

After a powerpoint presentation in Dutch Museum Saba (30 minutes) a guided tour and visit tp traditional cottages will be offered. Only on appointment on either Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in October.

The basis of the power point presentation is a PhD research (promotie-onderzoek) on the backgrounds and characteristics of these charming traditional cottages on Saba (“The Monuments of Saba”, Dr. Ir. Frans Brugman 1994). On request these presentations and a guided tour can be held on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. The short power point presentations will start in Dutch Museum Saba on 9:30 am, but only on appointment



Dutch Museum Saba, Park Lane street 12, Windwardside
phone: 4165856, email: conservator@museum-saba.com
Website: www.museum-saba.com

PCN visits Saba on Tuesday, December 6th
Sea & Learn - October 2016