Friday , March 14 2025

Family physicians Saba and Statia no longer the first notification point in case of illness

As of 1 January 2017 the Family physisians will no longer be responsible for the medical assessment in the context of BES Sickness Insurance Act and the BES Accident Insurance Act. After a tender for the medical assessment the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (hereafter referred to as SZW) has awarded the contract to Corporate Health Solutions B.V.

The essence of this contract is the execution of the medical assessment in the context of the Wet Ziekteverzekering BES and de Wet Ongevallenverzekering BES.  The family physicians on St. Eustatius and Saba will be relieved from their current duties in this field as first point of contact for the sickness insurance (initial yellow card on the 1st day of sickness) and as examining doctor (3rd day of sickness under the Healthcare Insurance Act), as of 1 January 2017. The new procedure will start on St. Eustatius and Saba as of 3 January 2017.

This means that sick employees – insofar as they work in the private sector – will have to report to the SZW nurse (hired and trained via Corporate Health Solutions) at the hospital on St. Eustatius and on Saba at the ZVK office located at Clement Sorton Street, The Bottom, to report on the first day of sickness The arbo (occupational health and safety) nurse of Corporate Health Solutions will be on St. Eustatius and Saba daily, from 8:00 till 12:00 hours, for this purpose to safeguard availability.

The work location of the arbo nurse will be the hospital on St. Eustatius and they can be reached via the hospital’s fixed telephone line. On Saba they can be reached at the ZVK office. Employees who have reported their sickness to their employer, should report to the service desk of the hospital between 8:00 and 9:00 hour, where they can register for an appointment which will take place that very morning.

The family physicians will only treat the sickness of their patients and will no longer be involved in the relation between sickness and the capacity for work or occupational disability. Employees who are active in the private sector will report to the SZW arbo nurse for this purpose. The arbo nurse will assess the claim regarding fitness for work or occupational disability, perform further investigation into the possibilities for deployment and will be assisted by a company doctor in their activities.

Press release RCN

Saba Represented at NOAA’s Caribbean Coral Restoration Workshop
Saba’s Firework Display December 28th 7 pm at Cove Bay

One comment

  1. I have to say that this system not working. Firstly since when is a nurse able to diagnose me? What abouts my rights to privacy? I won’t be reporting my business to anyone but a doctor or it will be all over the island before we reach home.Why is we paying taxes for health if this is now what we recieving. I would chose to not pay and save my money to go to the French side to see a doctor than put up with this confusion.

    If I is sick then I can’t travel down to pick up a card so this is just stupid. Should I not be allowed to rest to gets better? Slavery ended a long time ago. Why does this not apply to the government workers? It seems we living in a very segregated little island. Is this the same system in Holland because I don’t think so

    I think nobody should accept this until there is a community meeting. I wont be diagnosed by anyone but a doctor nor will I report my business to anyone but he.