Wednesday , March 12 2025

Predictive archaeological map of Saba available for download.

Maaike De Waal and other archaeologist have published a book ‘Managing Our Past Into The Future – Archaeological Heritage Management in the Dutch Caribbean‘. A chapter of this book describes the creation of predictive map of potentially valuable archaeological sites. This  fits well in the system of Dutch heritage management. This has set as primary goal that archaeological values should be preserved.

The creation of archaeological maps provides the first impetus for allowing archaeologists as well as planning officers to know which archaeological values are actually present in an area, and in which areas as yet unidentified values might be expected. This facilitates effective measures to be taken to preserve these remains.

In 2015 ARGEOgraph created the Archaeological Predictive Map of Saba for the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This map has been made available to the Saba Archaeological Center (SABARC) and the Sint Eustatius Center for Archaeological Research (SECAR) .

The map can be downloaded here.

This book chapter appeared in the volume ‘Managing Our Past Into The Future. Archaeological Heritage Management in the Dutch Caribbean’ (pages 331-346), edited by C.L. Hofman and J.B. Haviser and published by Sidestone Press, Leiden. The chapter discusses the archaeological predictive maps of St. Eustatius, Saba, and Sint Maarten.

This chapter can be downloaded here.

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