Thursday , March 13 2025

Labour Inspectorate to inspect dive shops in the 2nd quarter of the year

On Thursday March 2nd, 2017, the Labour Inspectorate is hosting an information evening for all companies that deal with diving on Bonaire. The information evening is meant to inform employers about the inspection project ‘ dive companies ‘. The inspection project will be carried out in the second quarter of 2017 in the Caribbean Netherlands.

Scuba diving is a risky profession. It falls under the concept of ‘ labour under pressure ‘. The Labour Inspectorate sees to it that the rules regarding labour are respected. First of all, it is about the Labour Security Law BES (Arbeidsveiligheidswet BES) that establishes rules regarding safe and sound work. Apart from the organization of safe and wholesome work, work and rest also play an important role. These are regulated in the Labour Law 2000 BES. The Labour Inspectorate supervises the Law Minimum Wage BES, the Vacation Law BES and the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act BES.

In addition to an introduction where and why the Labour Inspectorate is carrying out controls, an expert will explain about the purpose and need for testing diving equipment.

The meeting will take place at Divi Flamingo in the Peter Hughes conference room. Walk-in starts from 6:30 PM, the official programme starts at 7.00 PM and ends at 8:30 PM. After that there is opportunity to network.

Due to logistics and catering it is necessary to give notice one ones attendance. You can register as a participant no later than Monday February 27th, via or by phone at 715-8888.

On St. Eustatius and Saba, few dive companies are active. They will receive a copy of the presentations at the meeting so that they too can prepare themselves adequately for the inspection.

Press release RCN.

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