The Arnold family has been an unwavering supporter of the Saba Marine Park and the Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) since its inception. In fact, Mr. Edward Arnold, one of the SCUBA diving pioneers and original owner of the Saba Deep dive shop, was one of the founding members of the SCF in 1987. Furthermore, since 1991, the Arnolds rented their cottage in Windwardside to the foundation, which became renown as the Trail Shop. Since then, the building and the property serve as a visitor information center, especially for hikers, a souvenir boutique to supplement revenue generation and an outdoor activity center for the various kids after school programs of the SCF.
In a charitable act, Mr. Peter Arnold, his wife Sandra and Mr. Arnold’s sister Elizabeth, recently decided to donate the building and the property with an area of 10,193 square meters to the SCF.

At an official luncheon at the Holland House in Philipsburg, St. Maarten, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold handed over the deed of donation to SCF Board member, Johanna van’t Hof and Parks Manager, Kai Wulf. The Dutch Representative to St. Maarten and Saba’s Ex Commissioner, Chris Johnson, thanked the Arnolds for their generosity and much appreciated contributions to the people and the island of Saba.
In cooperation with the Saba Island Government, the SCF is planning to develop a botanical garden on the property, connecting the Trail Shop with the Museum’s grounds, to further enhance Saba’s tourism product.
A plaque at the Trail Shop will commemorate the donation by the Arnolds and the eternal gratitude of the SCF and its beneficiaries.
press release SCF