Last week, the social organizations on Saba, Bonaire and St. Eustatius, were informed during information sessions about the new funding scheme “Opportunities for all children”. From 2017 until 2021, one million euros will be made available, with the aim to provide all children between 0 and 17 years who are growing up in poverty on the islands of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba the opportunity to participate. The meetings were well attended and many questions were asked.
During the meetings the Commissioners of the Islands also spoke. The Commissioner of Bonaire, Nina den Heyer, was happy to see a packed house with all people who have a heart for children. In her address she spoke of how important it is to work together in order to reach as many children as possible who are in need. Commissioner Rolando Wilson of Saba spoke to the social organizations and stressed that for Saba it is important to set the right priorities and to work together as much as possible to be able to help the target group. Perla Duinkerk spoke on behalf of Commissioner Derrick Simmons and said that St. Eustatius is happy with the additional resources “In the context of children’s rights, it is important that every child can participate. This now offers St. Eustatius the opportunity to help this group of children “.

The distribution of the one million annually is €550,000 for Bonaire, St. Eustatius €250,000 and for Saba €200,000. This distribution is determined as follows: half of the 1 million euros is equally divided among the Islands, the rest in relation to the number of children.
Applications may be submitted for a minimum of €10,000 and maximum €50,000. Organizations can submit multiple applications; the total amount of those requests together can be up to €100,000.
Applications can be submitted via the email address from May 29th, 2017 9.00 AM local time until June 12th, 2017 5.00 PM local time and are processed on a first come, first served basis, provided that they complete. Applications submitted outside this period cannot be processed. Please note: that means that it is also not possible to submit before May 29th, 9:00 AM! The appropriate application form can be downloaded via www.rijksdienstcn/socialezakenenwerkgelegenheid.
Press release RCN