Wednesday , March 12 2025

Summer School 2017

The Saba Comprehensive School is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to start Summer School during the first two weeks of July, 2017 (July 3 – July 14). The SCS Summer School will provide lessons and activities between 8am and 12am during the summer vacation for students enrolled in form 1 – 4 and Pro. Transportation to school and back home will be arranged.

Eligible students are those, who :

do not meet the promotion criteria (students selected by the school);
are weak in the core subjects and need to improve (English, Mathematics, Dutch);
need guidance and assistance in other subjects.

Participation in summer schools has shown to have substantial beneficial effects on educational progress. Currently, the program is being developed by the SCS Summer School Team.

If you would like to pre-register your child, please fill out the pre-registration form and send it to or deliver it to the SCS Administration. Summer school is able to accommodate a maximum of 15 students.

FIRST NAME STUDENT _____________________________________

LAST NAME STUDENT _____________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH _______ (day) ______ (month) _____(year)

CURRENTLY IN FORM _____________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN’S NAME _____________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________

CELL PHONE _____________________________________

HOME PHONE _____________________________________

WORK PHONE _____________________________________

Trade Mission May 31st
CoC and SBA support Business EXpo event on Saba, May 31st