Thursday , March 13 2025

CCC Newsletter 10

This issue of our CCC Newsletter is late, for obvious reasons. As you will read, our team members had all written their usual updates in August.

Jessica reports how she has contributed yet another article in her unrelenting quest to give the Dutch islands in the Northern Caribbean their fair share in the historiography of the region.

Wouter summarizes the contents of a recent article the two of us co-authored, tracking the seemingly inescapable ‘head-versus-heart’ dilemmas that citizens of the Dutch Caribbean face, as do so many other inhabitants of non-sovereign jurisdictions world-wide.

Sanne explains why and how, after two years of hard field work and desk research, she made the valiant decision to reconfigure the outlines of her PhD dissertation.

Stacey too reports on her ongoing PhD research on activism in nature conservation and cultural heritage, writing of our “. . . common goal: taking better care of our planet for the sake of the well-being of human beings, animals and all organisms as a whole.”

And Malcom, , writing presciently days before Irma blasted through the Caribbean, offered his thoughts on the devastating effects of climate change and “The need for climate justice for non-sovereign territories.”

Gert Oostindie

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