Friday , March 14 2025

Lions Club of Saba partners with Comprehensive School

The Saba Lions Club has partnered with lo­cal high school Saba Com­prehensive School (SCS) in getting students of Form 1 and Pro, to sign up for LEO Club-based activities. LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity and LEO Club is an activity of the Lions Club.

Director of Saba Compre­hensive School Anton Hermans was very receptive when he was approached earlier this year with the question whether Saba Li­ons Club could start with LEO Club-based activities in a school setting.

Saba Comprehensive School’s LEO Club Members cleaning Harry L. Johnson Museum grounds

The school has set aside three, 10-week periods for this academic year for LEO Club-based activities. In this manner it is hoped to get the youngsters motivat­ed to participate in projects of their choice that will benefit the community they are part of and stimulate social development skills.
Students are being chal­lenged to develop critical thinking skills and to become socially involved by assisting with community-based pro­jects.

Every Tuesday, from 12:30pm until 2:00pm, a group of eight students will engage in projects which they themselves have come up with under leadership of the Lions and a faculty-advisor. The first project, cleaning up part of the grounds of Harry L. Johnson Museum in Windwardside, was un­dertaken on Tuesday.

The students, Saba Lions Club members and SCS are thankful to the Board of Directors of the Muse­um for collaborating with them and for allowing the students to gain experience and give back to their com­munity in a positive way. The students all partici­pated in the activity and eagerly look forward to the following activities, which will be promoted in the community within the next few weeks.

The Daily Herald.

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