Friday , March 14 2025

ZVK flies 25 patients back to Statia, Saba

A special Insel Air charter flight flew 25 Health Insurance Office Caribbean Nether­lands ZVK medical patients to St. Eustatius on Wednes­day, October 4.

These patients from Statia and Saba and their compan­ions were forced to stay in Curacao due to conditions in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Eight persons from Saba were transported on a special Windward Islands Airways International Winair charter flight to Saba shortly after their arrival in Statia.

Patients from Statia on this special flight were met at F.D. Roosevelt Airport by a large crowd of family mem­bers and well-wishers who welcomed them back to the island.

Patients and their companions disembarking in Statia from the ZVK-chartered flight from Curacao

The Daily Herald.

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