Remedial/special education teacher at Saba’s Sacred Heart School (SHS) Helen Hassell gave a brief explanation about Down syndrome to all pupils on Monday, October 2.

This was mainly to acknowledge the existence of Down syndrome among children and to eliminate existing barriers between these children and their peers. It was also an attempt to make the pupils aware that children diagnosed with Down syndrome have the potential and ability to become active participants in society.
A lot of questions were asked and they were answered. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate intellectual disability.
After each session, the pupils were given a Down syndrome ribbon made by Hassell. She thanked SHS Principal Diane Wilson and all the teachers for the opportunity given to her to promote a better understanding and acceptance of all children.
The Daily Herald.