Wednesday , March 12 2025

Microfinancing from Qredits now available for Saba

The Chamber of Commerce Saba and Statia is happy to announce the introduction of Qredits on Saba.

Qredits is a foundation that supports you as an entrepreneur to successfully start or invest in your business.

This they accomplish by providing unique tools for writing your business plan, personal mentoring and the provision of micro credits up to USD 25.000. Their goal is to make dreams of entrepreneurs come true and in that sense they look at the possibilities instead of the impossibilities. Hence, a positive approach!


Qredits provides Microcredit & Mentoring to (starting) entrepreneurs with small and medium-sized businesses in St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius who have no access to a number of (financial) services through the regular circuit, so they can obtain economic, financial and social independence. In doing so, Qredits wants to promote entrepreneurship on St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius. Qredits aims to achieve this objective by providing a combination of tools, mentoring and credit solutions to (starting) entrepreneurs. Qredits strives to:

  • encourage you to start your own business;
  • have (starting) entrepreneurs make an informed choice for entrepreneurship;
  • provide (starting) entrepreneurs with start-up and survival;
  • provide (starting) entrepreneurs the opportunity to be financially / economically independent;
  • to form a bridge for the (starting) entrepreneurs to grow into the mainstream financial sector.

More information about this unique opportunity can be found on their website at:

The role of the Chamber of Commerce Saba and Statia is to primarily launch this facility on Saba and Statia and to provide information and support to registered businesses at the Chamber of Commerce who are interested in this. Furthermore, we work in close cooperation with Qredits and support them where necessary.

If you would like to register and apply for a microcredit, please contact the St. Maarten Qredits office, Mrs. Mariah Constant at 00172-15873427. She will guide you further through the application process. You can also contact me for information at 4165443.

Kind Regards,

Wolfgang Tooten and Hemmie van Xanten

Chamber of Commerce Saba and Statia.

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