New homes, the opening of phase-one of the solar park and an improved standard of living for all in habitants are part of Commissioner Rolando Wilson’s plans for 2018.
In highlighting developments in his portfolio Sabans may expect in 2018, Wilson said the Island Government of Saba is “always striving to do better for all of the island’s inhabitants.”

He said efforts are “always being made” to improve the standard of living for everyone. “Issues of poverty have been seen and heard. and we will work with our counterparts to try to alleviate poverty and make life better for those in need.”
Where housing is concerned, Commissioner Wilson said that phase-two of the Under the Hill Project will commence this year, with new homes being built and infrastructural developments as well.
As we constantly strive for sustainable energy, I am proud to announce that this year we will see the opening of phase-one of the solar park. Phase-two will also commence this year,” he said.
As part of the Nature Project, maintenance and repairs will continue of various hiking trails, Crispeen Trail, as well as the upgrading of the yacht moorings.
A.M. Edwards Medical Centre will undergo remodelling and general repairs this year, “strategically based” on the healthcare priorities set for Saba for 2018-2022. In the areas of Sports and Recreation plans have been made to reactivate the Saba Sports Federation, and planning is underway for the development of playgrounds in the different villages. Renovation of Child Focus playground in Windwardside has already started.
“The agriculture project continues to be a success, and I am excited that both local schools will also be getting involved in this endeavour of sustainable agriculture,” Wilson said.
“If all goes well,” a Woman’s Desk will be opened on Saba later this year, the Commissioner stated.
Last year, a project leader for Cultural Affairs was hired, and the focus for 2018 is the drafting of a cultural policy and ensuring an “impulse injection” to already established cultural events on the island.
“These are just some of the highlights of what is planned for 2018. As the year progresses, I commit to keeping residents informed of all developments in these areas. In closing, I wish everyone the very best for 2018, and remember that by standing strong together we can achieve so much,” Commissioner Wilson concluded.
The Daily Herald.